Swedish text.
This is a short presentation of programs/apps (PC, Android) and other types of media made by Jan Lindström.
Almost every file is downloaded from Pcloud (Switzerland). Use the button below.
The programs are free to use, if you follow their simple licenses.
The Windows-versions can be run on other platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, BSD and Solaris), with the help of Wine. Today often a better way. All packages for Linux and Windows includes two versions (32/64). Linux-programmes are built and tested on Debian and Ubuntu.
Distribution exists as compressed zip- or tar.gz archives. The softwares need no installation, and have small demands on the systems. They use portable built-in graphics and rendering of text. Linux-variants depends only on the X Window System (usually called Xlib, X11 or only X). If your system only includes Wayland (possible successor to Xlib), so are there a server called Xwayland, that runs this type of apps.
In my simple opinion, is the structure of Android-apps (and in most cases how they are made), far from perfect. Maybe a bit contradictory, have I anyhow produced some. Several apps have now become one (JLs3D). All apps has corresponding versions for PC (excluding JLs3D).
The apps have some features:
* They have no access to the rest of your system.
* They will not connect to the internet, or any network, or use your phone.
* They show no advertisment.
* They are not crippled in any way.
* Lowest system Android 4.1.
These apps are not published on the Play Store. You have to download them, from the same location as the rest of my programs. Be absolute certain of what this means. You can find information about sideloading, unknown sources and independent app stores, on the net. From Android 8.0 is it possible to install single apps with sideloading, in a better way. If you lack the proper knowledge, and/or trust to my apps, use the PC-versions instead (if possible).
afTRYCK version 2.3
Metal spinning can be seen as an spectacular, hard-learned, and quite old technique, this to form a round sheet of metal. afTRYCK is a software that describes it. Read more HERE.
In version 2.3 has the first animation been changed to a new one. This based on the one in the video. The Android-app, has the same contents but another look, see HERE.
Making a animation depicting metal spinning, leads to simplifications. The three animations included in afTRYCK, shall together, give a sketchy-kind of impression. The one in 3DSvarv shows only a few steps, which the metal spinning tool jumps between. In reality, will the material be formed continuously, guided by the tool. Which in turn, is supported by a steel pin on the toolrest.
A somewhat improved animation exists as a video. It shows the movements better. Now with version 3, can the spinning tool be seen all the way.
To download click button at top of page. Then choose:
*afT23_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*afT23_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
*afTRYCK23.apk for Android (Note! carefully read the section about Android above)
*Tryckning-Spinning3.zip for the animated video
3DSVARV version 4.1
Application that takes a turn around a metal spinning lathe, this in a 3d enviroment. Can be seen as a complement to afTRYCK + the animated video. Text included, are in both English, and Swedish. The spinner himself have from version 4 been included. Although he disappear sometimes (to show what otherwise will be hidden). The quality of the rendered graphics needed though to be improved, which has been the case in 4.1.
To download click button at top of page. Then choose:
*3Dsvarv41_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*3Dsvarv41_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
*3DSvarv41.apk for Android (Note! carefully read the section about Android above)
**The Android-app JLs3D (further down at this page), includes material from an older version of 3DSvarv
HULTABY version 2.3
Hultaby gives you in 3D, Hultaby castle (or maybe more accurate, residence), in my view of its 14th century apperance. Today it´s a ruin, just outside the city Vetlanda, Sweden. Read more HERE.
This version has extended graphics. The 3D-model can now be viewed from more angles. One at the ground level, looking from the main entrance. Others from the same direction, but more from above. Also included, a photo of todays ruin, that has been joined with the 3D-model.
Also existing is a zip-file (15Mb), containing 2 videos from Hultaby of today. These in Mp4-format (mpeg). Duration about 2 x 1 minute. Also in this package is 4 photos. All in greyscale, or black/white, if you so prefer.
To download click button at top of page. Then choose:
*Hultaby22_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*Hultaby22_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
*For Android see JLs3D (further down at this page)
*HultabyVideoB.zip says it all.
SE-AEA version 2
A software that make a presentation to an autogyro model Cierva C30. This with 2D- and 3D-images, and text both in English and Swedish. Read more HERE.
To download click button at top of page. Then choose:
*Se-Aea2_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*Se-Aea2_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
*For Android see JLs3D (further down at this page)
J22 version 2
FFVS J22 was an Swedish WWII fighter- and reconnaissance-aircraft. It was constructed because purchases abroad failed. SAAB was at this time fully occupied with their own manufacturing. The J22 was therefore a project run by the Swedish Airforce (Airboard) itself.
The aircraft are here presented in 2D and 3D images. Text are in both English and Swedish. See more HERE.
Besides the program (app), exists an animated video in mp4-format. It uses the same 3D-model, but the texture has been excluded. The rendering are in blue and grey shades. More of artistic then realistic. No J22 has ever been painted in such colours.
To download click button at top of page. Then choose:
*J22-2_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*J22-2_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
*J22video2.zip for the video (mp4)
*SweFightersVideo.zip contains an animated video with J23, J22, J21B and J35
*For Android see JLs3D (further down at this page)
Is a simple game where the solution is to end at exactly zero. This when no more moves are possible. You set a startingpoint between 14-30, and choose a active player (horizontal or vertical). Both cover 2 tiles in each turn, following their directions. The result though are only connected to the one you set as active.
You may change the conditions by removing one of the 7 horizontal rows. The same can be done with the tile in the middle. Rather obvious has the latter no effect if the middle row are in hide mode.
This version has also the added function, to change the value of the number 3-tiles, this to either 4 or 2. They will then be marked as 3+1 or 3-1, respectively.
To download click button at top of page. Then choose:
*HoveC_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*HoveC_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
Brahehus give you a roughly hint, to the Swedish 17th century castles original appearance. Built on the edge of a 90 meter high rock face, with a splendid view over the lake Vättern downbelow. Today a ruin, with the highway (E4) passing a few meters away. Read more HERE.
To download click button at top of page. Then choose:
*Brahehus_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*Brahehus_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
*For Android see JLs3D (further down at this page)
HVESTA version 2
Vetlanda (Småland,Sweden), was Hvetlanda, before the spelling-reform in 1906. In terms of railroads, you can call it backwoods. To connect Vetlanda with the southern main line, the railway to Sävsjö was opened in 1884. The station was probably built to this occasion. Later came lines to Målilla and Nässjö. The latter one still existing. This the first station, was demolished in 1965.
The first local steam-engine was ordered from Motala verkstad in 1884. The name became simply Hvetlanda. It was used here until 1911. After that it came to work at limestone quarries. It was scrapped in 1955. Read more HERE. The station and engine in Hvesta, should be dated to around 1900.
Version 2 has new graphics. As an addition exist also now a video, that combines an old photo with a new 3D image.
To download click button at top of page. Then choose:
*HvestaV2_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*HvestaV2_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
*HvestaV2.apk för Android (Note! carefully read the section about Android above)
*HvestaVideo.zip for the video
This program/app includes 3D-images, depicting J35A Draken. The first version of a classical Swedish fighter.
Read more HERE.
The Android-app is now updated. This concerning the function of the A(nimation)-button. And also some changes in the image-sequences. Now the same as in the PC-versions. The video (version 3) has the same style and format, as the one for the J22.
To download click button at top of page. Then choose:
*J35A_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*J35A_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
*J35A+.apk for Android (Note! carefully read the section about Android above)
*J35Avideo3.zip for the video (mp4)
*SweFightersVideo.zip contains an animated video with J23, J22, J21B and J35
The 3D-model in this program should fairly depict laven over the Adolf-Fredrik mine. A lave is a wooden building covering the mouth of the mine. Here also called uppfodringsverket. Then referring to whats inside. Uppfodra = lift up, verk = machinery. Read more HERE.
*Laven_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*Laven_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
J21B version 2
*J21Bv2_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*J21Bv2_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
*GS97_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*GS97_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
*GS97.apk for Android (Note! carefully read the section about Android above)
*1897png.zip for an map/drawing over the whole area of exhibition
*J23_Lin3264.tar.gz for Linux (32/64)
*J23_Win3264.zip for Windows (32/64)
JLs3D replaces the Android-versions of the following programs:
Also includes material from an older version of 3DSvarv.
Now upgraded with Hultaby 2.3. The graphics from the programs listed above are not fully included here, though. JLs3D are simpler, still includes vital parts in one app.
To download click button at top of page. Then choose:
*JLs3D3.apk for Android (Note! carefully read the section about Android above)
Some PDF documents can be found at the link below.
*Jernboden.pdf includes 3D-images of an house located at the square in Vetlanda (Småland, Sweden). This as it was in the years around 1900.
*MarksandMasters.pdf tells the history of Swedish pewter marks.
Link to PDF section HERE.
©Jan Lindström 2015-2025